The Master’s Blog - What a Night!

Welcome to the Master’s Blog!

The Worshipful Master of Leopold Lodge 1760, Bro Mickey Ward, gives us his thoughts on his Installation as Worshipful Master for the coming year.

The expectation and apprehension of becoming the Master of the Lodge was balanced in equal measures. It was all part of my first journey into freemasonry. From that first evening on the 25th of March 2015 when I was initiated into Leopold Lodge, I knew it would be a long but enjoyable journey.

The Officers of Leopold Lodge 1760

The overwhelming support I received, from the arrival of the guests on the evening all the way through to the end of the festive board, was a magical experience. The evening was very well attended with brethren I have known for many years and also some great new friends.

Freemasonry does that, it allows you to meet people from all different walks of life, and it is this that helps make the Freemasonry what it is. 

We have a busy year ahead at Leopold and I'm looking forward to initiating my first candidate at our next meeting. The night a candidate joins is a magical experience and one you will never forget....……..just like becoming the Master!

Bro. Mickey Ward - Worshipful Master

Leopold Lodge 1760


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