Provincial Festival 2029 – What is it?
You may have heard of ‘Festival 2029’, but do not know what it is about. You might think it is something that lasts for a weekend, or a week in the summer, but that is not the case. It is a fund-raising event where our Province raises money to be donated to the Masonic Charitable Foundation which is administered by Grand Lodge, and lasts for a period of five years! The usual cycle is that each Province spends 5 years in a festival, and then 6 years out of festival, so a new festival starts every eleven years. The last one for our Province ended in 2018, so the end of the next one will be in 2029, hence the name. Each Province takes it in turn to be ‘in Festival’. The target for the last festival was £2m, but something over £2.3m was raised.
Many of us will know of a Brother or a family member who has benefited from Masonic charity; whether it be at one of the Masonic homes, receiving respite care, through medical support, education of those children who have lost one or both parents or just general financial support when times have got tough. All hugely deserving causes.
It is not, however, just Masonic beneficiaries that we support, and I am sure we all recall ongoing grants to disaster appeals, hospitals, hospices, air ambulances, medical research and many other local charities that benefit annually from MCF grants and awards.
Each year, even when we are not in a Festival period, our Province receives grants for about £300,000 for a very wide variety of purposes, but all for the relief of suffering in one way or another, whether it be for the benefit of Masons and their families, or others who are not members of the order. This amount has been fairly consistent over the last few years, and if you work it out you can see that Yorkshire, North and East Ridings actually receives more that it donates!
The Provincial Grand Master has said “I hope that all of us, together with our families and friends, will embrace the opportunity to come up with innovative and imaginative new ways of raising funds whilst also ensuring that every activity is enjoyable. This should be a great way of having fun and working together whether it be at a lodge meeting, social event or in some new personal challenge. If we can involve the local community, and continue to explain why Freemasonry is such a force for good in so many ways, so much the better". The PGM, R.W.Bro David Chambers, is seen below with Barney the Bear who is the mascot of Festival 2029.
Any funds raised by individuals can be submitted through their Lodge or Chapter, who will then receive the credit for it. Of course, there is always some friendly competition as to who can raise the most funds, but in the end of course, the winners are those who are in need!
As well as individuals, Lodges and Chapters are encouraged to attain a level of achievement based on their membership. It is hoped that most Lodges and Chapters will reach one of the achievement levels, and that at the very least all will have given something. A series of Festival honorifics have been set to acknowledge and celebrate individual Lodge financial achievements, based on average donations per member of the Lodge. Certificates will be awarded to Lodges at defined levels of donation (based on the number of subscribing members of each Lodge).
Another method of fund raising is the issue of a Festival Stewards Jewel. You can receive a Jewel for a commitment of only £10 a month over 60 months, or a one-off donation of £600, or if you raise the amount of £600 via a sponsored event. These amounts all exclude Gift Aid.
The Province wishes to acknowledge the generosity of its Brethren by issuing a Festival Steward's Jewel to all qualifying Brethren and fully understands that it may not be within every Brother's means to qualify for a Jewel but does appreciate all donations made.
After donating the full amount, or by promising to donate by regular direct debit the sum of £600, those qualifying will receive a Festival Steward's Jewel free of charge.
The target for Festival 2029 has not yet been announced, but will probably made public at the annual Convocation to be held in May 2024. At the end of the period of fund raising a Festival banquet is held at which the final total raised is announced.
Further information about the Festival is available on the Provincial website - click the Learn more button below.
W.Bro Tony Dyer
Leopold Lodge 1760