St George - A Masonic Celebration
Welcome to another Master’s Blog from Leopold Lodge 1760. This month we had our second ‘White Table’ night fo non-masonic guests to attend. It was also coupled with our St George’s Night Celebration.
On The Road with Leopold 1760
Four of the Leopold Brethren recently embarked on a visit to St Cuthbert’s Lodge down in Howden. W.Bro Richard Gillett gives us a brief account of an excellent night out.
Why Leopold Lodge? - Bro. Dan Henley
Bro. Dan Henley tells us why he became a Freemason and why he chose to join Leopold Lodge in particular.
The Master’s Blog - What a Night!
Our new Worshipful Master - Brother Michael Ward - gives us his initial thoughts on his Installation as Worshipful Master of Leopold Lodge 1760.
Provincial Festival 2029 – What is it?
Festival 2029 - What is it? If you're new to Freemasonry then you might not know what our Provincial Festivals are. W.Bro. Tony Dyer gives us on overview of what Festival 2029 is all about.
Forget-Me-Nots and Paper Aprons
The Forget-Me-Not flower hold great significance to all Freemasons. This edition of Blog1760 gives us a brief explanation as to what that significance is.
There’s more than one Scarborough
W.Bro. Kevin Howard’s visit to Trinidad and Tobago also included a visit to a Masonic Lodge in Scarborough!