St George - A Masonic Celebration

Welcome to another Master’s Blog from the Worshipful Master of Leopold Lodge 1760.

Our second “white table” of the masonic year was a very special occasion. The masons and non- masons present really enjoyed the night from the feedback we have had from everyone who attended.

The guests arrived at the lodge and waited in the bar area with some of our more senior brethren, who answered the guests many questions about Leopold Lodge and the Craft in general. The lodge was opened and then closed in the temple in 30 minutes.... the team were on form, and it was slick ceremony. The members then joined the guests in the bar for refreshments before going into the Festive Board for food, drink and celebration.

A nice sum of money was raised for local causes in the raffle and we also presented two cheques for charities.

As Master of the lodge I felt that the night was a complete success and I was very proud of all the members involved. As a bonus for the night, we had an application to join our fantastic Leopold Lodge!!

Bro. Michael Ward

Worshipful Master - Leopold Lodge 1760


On The Road with Leopold 1760