On The Road with Leopold 1760

Recently four of our brothers took a road trip down to the banks of the Humber to visit St Cuthberts Lodge No 630 in Howden.

The trip was originally hatched by W.Bro Doug, whose  friend and work colleague from some 20 years ago was being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason and he wanted to go in support.

From left to right - Bro. Ian Wray, W.Bro Rich Gillet, W.Bro Conrad Fox and W.Bro Doug Stanway

After dashing home from work, making a slick transition into suitable attire and with tie in pocket, W.Bro Conrad who was the nominated driver, set off to collect the rest of us. Once assembled, we headed south over the Yorkshire Wolds. Whilst making progress and ticking off the 56 miles to get there. As is customary, Brother Ian moaned all the way down!  

On arrival with just 15 minutes to spare, Brother Ian was still moaning! Even when we let him out of the boot of the car!

We were met with a warm welcome and still had time for a quick social tipple and introductions before entering the Lodge, albeit up a quirky staircase.

After what can only be described as a fine spectacle, we all retired to the festive board. Upon which we were faced with the arduous task of devouring what can only be described as a meal of epic proportions, part of which was the biggest piece of masonic steak pie ever made!

A great evening was had, with new friendships formed, funny anecdotes a plenty with many old jokes being told, along with one or two new ones.

After saying our goodbyes and de-icing the car we headed back toward the northern lights. The trip back home felt like it went really quickly due to the discussions on how everyone had enjoyed their evening out together, along with the constant bickering and usual banter of the back seat drivers!

Written By W.Bro Richard Gillet

Leopold Lodge 1760


St George - A Masonic Celebration


The Master’s Blog - The Midway In Freemasonry